10 Web Development Trends to Expect in 2024


10 Web Development Trends to Expect in 2023

A company’s online presence is most important. The more platforms you are on, the more successful you will become! The difficult part of having an online presence is standing out. If you don’t have something interesting to offer, you will get lost in the crowd.

Apart from the basic features a website has, you need to have something more that will make your website sustainable and attractive. So, we have listed a few features that will surely trend in 2023 as businesses want to make their online presence more solid than ever.

1. Single Page Applications

Single Page Applications

SPA (Single Page Application) is a web application or website that loads only one page. You can create an engaging UI as it does not require page refreshes while in use.

It uses the JavaScript API to load the content. And so the customer experience is also elevated. For instance, Gmail doesn’t require a page refresh. Things don’t change when you open the inbox, but as soon as new mail arrives, the page instantly loads with the new content.

ReactJS and AngularJS are perfect for SPA development. If you want SPA development for your business, you can Hire Angular Developers. They are well-skilled and can help you build the app you want.

2. Progressive Web Apps

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PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) are built with capabilities like native apps. PWAs have push notifications and can also work offline.

They are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The apps developed are easy to maintain compared to native apps. They are secure, flexible, and cost-effective. Moreover, PWAs are user and SEO friendly. They work efficiently on all browsers and devices.

3. Cybersecurity

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More than a trend, cyber security is a necessity today. It is essential in the modern world to safeguard sensitive data from cyberattacks. Web app owners need to ensure the personal information of all visitors remains safe.

Cybersecurity prevents data breaches and illegal access to systems containing private and valuable information. Having high security on your web app will keep you away from threats like alterations, theft, or destruction of critical information.

4. Chatbots


It is high time to have a chatbot in your app if you haven’t already. Customer service is an essential factor for a business to maintain its quality of service. Chatbots offer customer service day and night.

If your business is expanding across the globe, you must cope with multiple time zones. So, an AI-powered real-time assistant is highly needed.

Chatbots can help in various ways, like answering FAQs, taking orders, and sharing helpful information about products users wish to purchase. Chatbots need to be fed with the right information so that they can respond well to users’ requests.

5. Voice Search

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Voice search is becoming more popular by the day. We all have used visual assistants in one or the other ways. Web development should also shift its focus to such voice search features in the app.

To make relationships with customers stronger, conversational relationships are important. Voice search can help you with it. If voice search is taken seriously by all web app owners, it would change the whole customer-business relationship to a new level.

Given their importance, long-tail search terms would have more search volumes to direct traffic via on-page SEO.

6. Dark Mode

Dark Mode

Companies are quickly adding dark mode features to offer the same service as on mobile phones. Apple and Android have integrated the dark mode theme into their products.

Some websites also offer a dark mode with a switch to turn it on or off. The dark mode uses light-shaded texts and components to diminish eye strain, particularly in dark surroundings. Some studies also show that it reduces energy consumption as well.

7. Motion Graphics

Motion Graphics

Being creative is quite essential these days, as you need a creative and attractive way to draw customers. Motion graphics allow users to navigate the app and play around with it.

Using the JavaScript framework, you can implement it as per your requirements. It is mostly used to insert videos as advertising banners into websites. There is a high probability that more and more websites are going to leverage this technology in 2023.

8. Serverless Architecture

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Serverless architecture gives liberty to developers to build software with minimal attention to the underlying infrastructure.

The development team creates the code as a separate function to perform an action. Once the development and testing are completed, it is moved to the cloud service provider. The provider runs all the functions on existing or new servers.

As the architecture requires real-time tracking of the workflow of each function, the developers have to focus more on the writing and deployment of code.

9. Cloud Computing

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Cloud computing has already had a huge impact on companies over the past few years. The demand is also high, as companies are highly reliant on it.

Cloud computing provides businesses with extra processing power, storage, etc. It is an affordable alternative to leveraging servers, which, if you have your own, would require technical knowledge to operate and maintain.

The major benefits of cloud computing are cost-effectiveness and scalability. It is flexible and scalable to grow and expand the geographical reach without worrying about network configuration or balancing server load.

Moreover, no investments are required to start cloud computing. The cost depends on the intensity of the requests. It is loaded with resources and has abundant internal services for developers. Hence, services like server provisioning, web monitoring, auto testing, and DevOps are included.

To stay relevant in the future, many businesses have already implemented cloud technologies. Some of the most popular cloud service providers are AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, and GCP (Google Cloud Platform).

10. CRM Integration

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Customer Relationship Management System helps a business manage interactions with customers. Despite all the benefits it brings, a lot of companies fail to integrate it into their web apps.

So, if you want to improve your customer experience, you must integrate your website with CRM. Thus, you will be able to support your customers at each and every step of their journey with you.

Moreover, you will also reduce the administrative work of manual copy-pasting or exporting and importing. This will boost their productivity and free up their schedule to focus on more important things.


As the new year is approaching, it is advisable to have a look at a new perspective and add valuable features and components to your website. Figure out what is missing from your business and try to implement it in the upcoming year.

If you’re new to the programming world, you may have heard these two most popular terms: “frontend” and “backend.” Read this blog Frontend vs Backend Development: What’s the Difference? to find out what these terms actually refer to in web development.

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