1. hello, i have copied the html code ,and i have found a mistake 1 , -webkit-background-clip: text; , i use chrome browser ?

  2. Hi There ; Can i use the same code in my wordpress i’m using gutenberg i have try to past the same code in html section and i success but where i can paste the css code?

    • If you want this contact form on a particular page such as contact us then go to HTML editor and paste the whole code. Remember, you have to create a

  3. Hello Im trying to figure out how to use PHP on this using our current domain not gmail. Is there a simple fix for this?

  4. hello, can you tell me what should i do to get the message in my email. I have such contact form in my website written using html and css but i do not know how to make it such way that the message comes to my email. Hope you will help.


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